Consumer Tips
If you're like most Canadians, reducing your energy costs is a prime consideration. But aside from
some obvious choices, you may need some help on what to look for. As a courtesy, we have created a
list of helpful hints to guide you to some cost-saving ways to lower your energy bills
- Arrange for automatic delivery to ensure your home always has heating oil.
- Don't block the heating vents or radiators with furniture.
- Add insulation, feel for air leaks around windows, bathtubs, fireplaces, electrical outlets. Caulk leaks.
- Winterize doors, use vinyl-covered foam weather strip to seal up thresholds.
- Keep fireplace damper closed when not in use.
- Install a water-saving showerhead, fix drips. One drip of hot water per second from a leaky faucet will consume
the equivalent of 16 baths per year.
- By consistently reducing your thermostat by just five degrees overnight, you can cut as much as 10% from
your fuel bill.
- To maximize your energy savings without sacrificing comfort, install an automatic setback or programmable
- Indoors - adhere protective film over window, leaving holes so that you can still open and close the blinds.
Secure with double-sided tape.
- Outdoors - install a protective film over the window.
- Replace cracked window panes.
- Re-glaze window glass (glazing is the putty that seals the glass to the frame). You can use a putty knife or
glazing gun. Re-glazing stops air infiltration on the sash itself. You can then install a V-strip to stop any air
leakage that would go around the sash (window frame) - This also makes the window easier to operate up and
- Wood will shrink and cracks will occur as your house gets older. Be sure to inspect at regular intervals for an
- Threshold - is there a gap between the threshold and the door? Use a bottom seal that can be attached to the
bottom of the door - it should brush up against the floor to seal up the threshold. It virtually stops drafts.
- Glass doors on the fireplace will also provide insulation.
- Caulking is one of the most cost-effective things you can do to weatherize your home.
- You should caulk where 2 different types of materials meet, i.e. where the window frame meets the wall.
- Running half or partially full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine wastes energy. Always run full
- Install fluorescent lighting wherever possible since fluorescent bulbs last 6-10 times longer than incandescent
bulbs and use less energy.
- Windows on the south side of the house get the most sunlight. Eastern windows get sunlight in the morning.
West facing windows receive sunlight in the afternoon. Open shades & drapes during the daytime and close
when the sun goes down.
Sun Safety
Please remember to cover up, wear sun screen and a hat this summer.
Protect you and your children from skin disease and serious eye injury?
While some exposure to sunlight is necessary, too much can be dangerous, causing immediate effects like blistering sunburns
and longer-term problems like skin cancer and cataracts. Overexposure also causes wrinkling and aging of the skin,
and scientists are concerned that UV may even impair the human immune system.